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Apps, born and raised on a Wisconsin farm, is Professor Emeritus at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison and the author of more than 35 books, many
of them on rural history and country life. His nonfiction books include: Once
a Professor, Living
a Country Year, Every Farm Tells a Story, When Chores Were Done, Humor from
the Country, Country Ways and Country Days, One-Room Schools, Cheese,
Breweries of Wisconsin, Ringlingville USA (History
of Ringling Brothers circus), Old
Farm: A History, Barns of Wisconsin, Horse Drawn Days: A Century of Farming
With Horses, Campfires and Loon Calls, Whispers and Shadows, and
Wisconsin Agriculture: A History. His children's books include: Stormy,
Eat Rutabagas, Tents, Tigers and the Ringling Brothers, and Casper
Jaggi: Master Swiss Cheese Maker, and Letters From Hillside Farm (A
YA novel). He has an audio
book, The Back Porch and Other
Stories. Jerry has published novels, Cold
as Thunder, The
Travels of Increase Joseph, In a Pickle: A Family Farm Story, Blue Shadows
Farm, Settlers Valley, Cranberry Red,
Tamarack River Ghost, and The Great Sand Fracas of Ames County.
Jerry is a former publications editor for UW-Extension, an acquisitions
editor for the McGraw-Hill Book Company, and editor of a national
professional journal.
Jerry has won awards for his writing from the State Historical Society of
Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Library Association (the 2007 Notable Authors
Award), American Library Association, Foreword Magazine, Midwest Independent
Publishers Association, Robert E. Gard Foundation, The Wisconsin Council for
Writers (the 2007 Major Achievement Award), Upper Midwest Booksellers, and
Barnes and Noble Bookstores, among others. In 2010 he received the
Distinguished Service Award from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s
College of Agricultural and Life Science, was named a Fellow by the
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences Arts and Letters in 2012, and was named to the
Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame in 2014. In 2016, Jerry won the White Cedar
Outstanding Teaching Award from The Clearing.
University of Wisconsin Employment
- County Extension Agent, Green Lake and Brown Counties, 1957-1962.
- Publications Editor, State 4-H Office, 1962-1964.
- Assistant, Associate and full Professor, Ag. And Extension Ed. Dept,
- Professor, Continuing and Vocational Education, 1974-1994.
- Staff Development, University of Wisconsin Extension. 1964-1974, 1982-1985.
- Chancellor’s Office, University of Wisconsin Extension, 1989-1993.
- Chair, Department of Continuing and Vocational Education, 1977-1979,
- Director of Kellogg funded National Leadership Development Program,
- Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994-present.
Books - (Related to Rural History and Rural Life)
. Wisconsin House. 1970 (Out-of-Print).
Cabin in the Country. Argus. 1973 (Out-of-Print).
Village of Roses. Wild Rose Historical Society. 1973.
Barns of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Trails. 1977, 1995
Mills of Wisconsin and the Midwest. Wisconsin Trails. 1980
Skiing Into Wisconsin. Pearl Win Publications. 1985.
Breweries of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Press. 1992,
One-Room Country Schools. Amherst Press. 1996.
Wisconsin Traveler’s Companion.
Wisconsin Trails. 1997. (Out-of-Print)Rural Wisdom. Amherst Press. 1997.
(Out-of-Print).Cheese: The Making of a Wisconsin Tradition.
Amherst Press. 1998.
When Chores Were Done. Amherst Press. 1999.
Symbols: Viewing a Rural Past. Amherst Press.
1999. (Out-of-Print)Humor From The Country. Amherst Press. 2001.
The People Came First - A
History of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension. Cooperative Extension
Publications. 2002.
Eat Rutabagas. Amherst
Press. 2002.
Stormy. Amherst Press.
Ringlingville USA.
Wisconsin Historical Society Press. 2004.
Every Farm
Tells A Story.
Voyageur Press. 2005.
Country Ways and
Country Days. Voyageur Press. 2005.
Country Wisdom.
Voyageur Press. 2005
Tents, Tigers and the
Ringling Brothers. Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2006.
Living a Country Year.
Voyageur Press, 2007
In a Pickle: A Family Farm Story.
University of Wis. Press, 2007
Jaggi: Master Swiss Cheese Maker. Wisconsin Historical Society
Press, 2008.
Old Farm: A History,
Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2008.
Blue Shadows Farm,
University of Wisconsin Press, 2009
Horse Drawn Days: A Century of Farming With Horses. Wisconsin
Historical Society Press, 2010
The Travels of Increase Joseph
University of Wisconsin Press, 2010
Cranberry Red, University of Wisconsin Press, 2010
Barns of Wisconsin (Revised Edition) (Places Along the Way),
Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2010
Campfires and Loon
Calls, Fulcrum Publishing, 2011
Garden Wisdom: Lessons Learned from 60 Years of Gardening,
Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2012
Rural Wit and Wisdom, Fulcrum Press, 2012
Tamarack River
Ghost, University of Wisconsin Press, 2012
Letters from Hillside
Farm, Fulcrum Press, 2013
The Quiet Season, Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2013
Limping through Life: A Farm Boy’s Polio Memoir, Fulcrum Press, 2013
The Great Sand Fracas of Ames County, University of Wisconsin Press,
Whispers and Shadows, Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2015
Agriculture: A History, Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2015
One Room Country Schools, Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2015
Telling your Story,
Fulcrum Press, 2016
Roshara Journal: Chronicling Four Seasons, Fifty Years, and 120 Acres,
Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2016
Never Curse the Rain, Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2017
Old Farm Country Cookbook, Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2017
Cold As Thunder, University
of Wisconsin Press, 2018
Simple Things: Lessons from the Family
Farm, University of Wisconsin Press, 2018
The Civilian
Conservation Corps in Wisconsin: Nature’s Army at Work, Wisconsin
Historical Society Press, 2019
The Land Still Lives, Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2019
When the White Pine was King: A History of Lumberjacks, Log Drives, and
Sawdust Cities in Wisconsin, Wisconsin Historical Press,
Cheese: The Making of a Wisconsin Tradition (2nd Edition),
Wisconsin Historical Press, 2020
The Old
Timer Says: A Writing Journal, Wisconsin Historical Press, 2020
The Wild Oak, Three Towers
Press, 2021
Settlers Valley, University
of Wisconsin Press, 2021
A summer of Peas and Pickles,
Three Towers Press, March, 2022
Meet Me on the Midway: A History of Wisconsin Fairs, Wisconsin
Historical Press, 2022
More than Words: A Memoir of a Writing Life Wisconsin Historical
Press, 2022)
Planting an Idea: A Guidebook to Critical and Creative Thinking About
Environmental Problems Fulcrum Press, 2023
On Farms and Rural Communities: An Agricultural Ethic for the Future
Fulcrum Press, 2024
Timber!: A Northwoods Story of Lumberjacks, Logging, and the Land,
Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2024
Books - (Related to Education)
- Toward a Working Philosophy of Adult Education.
Syracuse U. 1973.
Tips For Article Writers. Wisconsin Regional Writers, 1973.
Problems in Continuing Education. McGraw-Hill. 1980.
Problemas de La Educacion Permanente. Paidos Educador. Barcelona,
1983, 1994.
Problems in Continuing Education. Arabic Translation.
The Adult Learner on Campus. Follett. 1981.
Study Skills for Adults Returning to School. McGraw-Hill. 1978,
Improving Your Writing Skills. Follett. 1982.
How to Improve Adult Education in Your Church. Augsburg. 1972
Ideas For Better Church Meetings. Augsburg. 1975.
Improving Practice in Continuing Education. Jossey-Bass (Simon &
Schuster). 1985.
Higher Education in a Learning Society.
Jossey-Bass (Simon &
Schuster). 1988.
Study Skills For Today’s College Student. McGraw-Hill. 1990.
Mastering The Teaching of Adults. Krieger. 1991.
Leadership For The Emerging Age. Jossey-Bass, 1994.
Teaching From The Heart. Krieger. 1996.
Once a Professor: A Memoir of Teaching in Turbulent Times.
Wisconsin Historical Society Press. 2018
Additional Publications
Apps has written more than 1000 articles and columns that
have appeared in Wisconsin newspapers and magazines, and in national
magazines. He has chapters in several books including an article in the
Oxford Companion to United States History. Two monographs are “Giving
Old Barns New Life: Ethnic History and Beauty of Old Barns,” and “Giving Old
Barns New Life: Wisconsin’s Changing Farmsteads,” (Both University of
Radio, TV
- Segment about Ringling Brothers as part of Cable
Network, Arts and Entertainment, Biography (2005).
- Regular guest on Wisconsin Public Radio, the Larry
Meiller Show and others.
- Special segment on Jerry’s writing as part of
Wisconsin Public TV series, “In Wisconsin” (2003).
- Segment about Ringling Brothers as part of National
Public TV series, “History Detectives (2003).
- Segment about history of Cheese as part of History
Channel program (2007)
- National Public Radio: “To the Best of our
Knowledge,” (May 21, 2009)
- PBS Wisconsin:
Jerry Apps: A Farm Story (Preview)
- PBS Wisconsin:
For the Love of a Farm
- PBS Wisconsin:
A Century of Farming
With Horses
- PBS Wisconsin:
Casper Jaggi, Swiss Cheese Maker
- PBS Wisconsin:
A Brief Look at
Wisconsin Agricultural History
- PBS Wisconsin:
To the best of our
- PBS Wisconsin:
Jerry Apps: A Farm Story
- PBS Wisconsin:
A Farm
Winter with Jerry Apps
- PBS Wisconsin:
Through Life
- PBS Wisconsin:
Land With Jerry Apps, 2015
- C-Span Books:
Limping Through Life, 2015-2016
- PBS Wisconsin:
Never Curse the Rain,
- PBS Wisconsin:
Jerry Apps: One Room
Country School, 2018
- PBS Wisconsin:
Jerry Apps: Food and Memories, 2022
Awards and Recognition
- First place award in non-fiction and scholarly book
writing (1977, 1989, 2002 Council for Wisconsin Writers).
- Award of Merit: For Distinguished Service to History
(1978, 1981, 1993, 1999, 2003) State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
- Research to Practice Award for books in education
(1982), American Association for Adult and Continuing Education.
- Adult Educator of the year award for books in
education (1987), Wisconsin Association for Adult and Continuing
- Landsdowne Scholar, University of Victoria, 1991
- Outstanding Literary Achievement Award (1993),
Wisconsin Library Association.
- Recognition Award (1994), Wisconsin Retired Educators
- Wisconsin Idea Award (1994), University of
- Writer in Residence (1995) Rhinelander School of
- Award for Excellence in Interpretation of Wisconsin
and Midwest Heritage (1996), Robert E. Gard Foundation and Wisconsin
Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters.
- Fellow: International Hall of Fame for Adult and
Continuing Education. 1996.
- Wisconsin 4-H Alumni Award. Wisconsin 4-H Foundation,
- Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of
Alberta, 1988.
- Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of
Alaska, 1995.
- “Midwest Favorite” book award from Upper Midwest
Booksellers Association, 1999, 2000.
- Pride of Wisconsin Award for Excellence in the Field
of Regional Literature, Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2001, 2002.
- Outstanding Academic Title award, Association of
College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, 2005.
- Major Achievement Award, Council for Wisconsin
Writers, 2007
- Notable Authors Award, Wisconsin Library Association,
- Old Farm: A History, A Midwest Connections Pick,
Midwest Booksellers Association, 2008
- Old Farm: A History. Council for Wisconsin Writers,
Inc. - First Place in 2008 Ellis/Henderson Outdoor Writing Category
- Old Farm: A History. 2008 ForeWord Magazine Book of
the Year Finalist in Environment Category
- Old Farm: A History. 2008 Midwest Independent
Publishers Association - First Place in Nature Category and Finalist in
Midwest Regional Category
- Old Farm: A History. 2009 Independent Publishers Book
Awards - Gold in Best Regional Nonfiction in Great Lakes Region
- Old Farm: A History. 2009 National Indie Excellence
Awards - Finalist in History Category
- Blue Shadows Farm. 2009 Midwest Book Awards -
Finalist in General Fiction
- Cranberry Red. 2010 Midwest Book Awards-Finalist in
General Fiction
- Distinguished Service Award, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, 2010
- Barns of Wisconsin. 2011 Silver Award: Best Regional
Nonfiction book, Independent Publishers Book Awards
- Barns of Wisconsin. 2011 Finalist: Next Generation
Indie Book Awards
Elected as Fellow, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
- A Farm Winter With Jerry Apps, Regional Emmy Award
Winner, 2014
- White Cedar Outstanding Teaching Award, The Clearing,
UW Alumni 72, 2017
News Articles
Professional Affiliations
Authors Guild, Council For Wisconsin Writers, Wisconsin Writers Association, Wisconsin
Academy for Sciences Arts and Letters, State Historical Society of
- Publications Editor, University of
Wisconsin-Extension (1962-1965)
- Acquisitions Editor, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
- Writing Instructor: School of the Arts, Rhinelander,
1971-2000; The Clearing, Door County, 1990- 2020; Write by the Lake,
UW-Madison, 2001-2006; Green Lake Writers’ Institute; Loras College,
Dubuque, Iowa
- Consulting editor to Follett and Jossey-Bass
publishing companies. (1985 to 1994)
- Consultant and narrator for the production of “Barns”
Video, Wisconsin Public TV, (2000). June Dairy Month spokesperson for
the Dairy Council of Wisconsin, (1999).
- Ph.D. in Education and Rural Sociology, University of
Wisconsin-Madison. Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Married, three grown children. Interests include farming, nature study,
and gardening.