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Home > Books > Rural Life Series > Rural Wisdom: Time-Honored Values of the Midwest


Rural Life Series | Historic Books | Other Country Life Books



Rural Wisdom: Time-Honored Values of the Midwest (March, 1997)

The wisdom of the Midwest is found in the minds and hearts of the people who live there. Wisdom is expressed in the stories people tell of earlier days and earlier times. Stories of happiness and hard work. Stories of hardship and joy. As rural people tell their stories, remember them, for in these stories are the values and beliefs that have been passed on from generation to generation, and make the Midwest what it is today.

The two most important things we can give our children are roots as deep as a giant oak's, and wings as strong as an eagle's.

Work is never done, so take time to play.

A foundation for human ethics is developing an ethic toward the land.

When you hear the flocks of migrating Canada geese each spring and fall, look upward. See the grace and beauty, cooperation and respect.

Noted author Jerry Apps collected these oft-spoken phrases, observations, comments and conundrums. Together with striking photographs by his son, Steve Apps, staff photographer for the Wisconsin State Journal, the statements lend humorous, touching, unique glimpses into rural life in the Midwest.

Photographs throughout
4-color laminated soft cover
128 pages
10 x 7 inches
ISBN 0-942495-63-2



From Amazon:
Wonderful book!, March 27, 2000
Reviewer: A reader from Illinois
A wonderful book that friends left as a gift for us. It made me think about my family and our rural roots. Much like a "Chicken Soup for the Rural Soul". This is a MUST READ if you live in a town where the stop light is the most exciting thing that came to town in 10 years!

From Barnes and Noble:
Curt Zachman (, going to be a student at college, July 6, 1999, 
A Great Book for Old and Young and all that's in between!
I saw this book at a Barnes and Noble store and started flipping through it. It's full of great little wisdom from the past, which you can use to reflect on today. I gave the book to my Grandpa for his birthday and he has fun recollecting all the little notes and 'remember whens' of his past. I think that I am going to get a copy for myself because I just like reading wisdom from the experienced. Good Book!


Rural Life Series | Historic Books | Other Country Life Books


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Website by Matt Apps
Last updated: 03/08/2025 02:00 PM CST