Adult Education and Leadership books
Teaching from the Heart (Professional Practices in Adult
Education and Human Resource Development Series) (July, 1996)
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Illustrates methods for expanding teaching and learning to
encompass the whole person, including the spiritual, biological,
intellectual, and emotional dimensions. Offers group and individual
exercises on whole person learning, becoming fully alive, the cycles
of life, relationships, and examining core values. Describes personal
approaches for learning from the heart, such as relaxation and journal
writing, and details group approaches using drawing, music, and the
mythical journey. For teachers and learners.
Leadership for the Emerging Age : Transforming Practice in
Adult and Continuing Education (The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult
Education Series) (October, 1994)
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Leaders no longer control and determine. They guide and respond. In
this book, Jerold W. Apps provides adult educators with a blueprint
for developing a profoundly different approach to leadership - one
that is all-embracing of ideas and people, capitalizes on diversity,
and remains open and responsive to change. Apps draws on twenty-five
years of experience in researching leadership and teaching leadership
development to show adult educators how to leave behind the role of
"expert" and learn from the learners. Drawing on ideas from behavioral
science and the arts and humanities, he reveals how an individual's
beliefs and values about knowledge, people, and ethics are at the core
of leadership. And he outlines a process for examining those beliefs
and developing a personal philosophy of leadership that encourages
cooperative work, as well as individual achievement. Apps also offers
specific guidance on how leaders can take charge of their own
development - and ultimate transformation - including advice on
developing a personal learning plan, keeping a journal, and writing a
personal credo.
Mastering the Teaching of Adults (September, 1991)
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In this highly personal and practical book, Apps shows
educators, new and experienced, how to become the best teachers of
adults they are capable of becoming.